·        Icoms is what holds all our customers information regarding billing, services, information, past work orders. We use this to upgrade/downgrage/install/disconnect customer’s accounts.


·        You can pull up a customers account by address, account number, phone number, or name. When you find the account, make sure you have WO typed in the above task field otherwise you might not access the account correctly.



·        The work order display (WO) is the main screen you will look at. This gives an overview of all the work orders the customer has had. Work Orders include installs, upgrades, downgrades, trouble calls, non-pays, and disconnects.



·        There is a lot to ICOMS. Below is a brief overview of all the commands you will be using for ICOMS. These commands go in the Task field at the top while any account is selected.


o       WO - Work order display

§        Shows all is the main screen you will look at. This gives an overview of all the work orders the customer has had. Work Orders include installs, upgrades, downgrades, trouble calls, non-pays, and disconnects.


o       UP – Service Change

§        Performs upgrades or downgrades of services.


o       IN – Install

§        Installs service for a new account.


o       TC – Trouble Call

§        Places a trouble call for a customer. This sends out a technician.


o       C – Customer Equipment

§        Shows all the equipment on the customers account whether it’s a cable modem or a cable box.


o       CS – Customer Services

§        Displays all the services the customer is subscribed to. Also shows past and future services with dates.


o       CL – Customer Ledger

§        Displays the billing information.


o       CN – Cancel

§        Cancels a work order of any kind.


o       RS – Reschedule

§        Reschedules a work order.


o       CH – Change Existing Work Order

§        Make any changes to a work order.


o       CM – Customer Maintenance

§        Displays customer’s basic information. Verify security information here.


o       HM – House Maintenance

§        Displays all location information including which node a customer is on.


o       CD – Customer Demographics

§        Displays in depth security information.


o       CC – Customer Comments

§        View or Add any comments regarding the account.